2016 retrospective and 2017 resolutions

The 2016 year has ended and we have just started a new year, so I would like to copy the ideas from my friend from GDG Lleida, Andreu Ibáñez and create post to summarise with images my 2016 and also heeding David Bonilla post, write the 2017 resolutions

2016 Retrospective

If there is something to remark from 2016 I think that it is the disappointment that I had to realize that Cabify wasn’t the place that I expected and the place for me to keep growing professionally. Nevertheless, that disappointment ended being the best thing that could had happened to me because thanks to that I met Seedtag and I found a great place with a fantastic team where I really have the opportunity to learn new things and contribute with my experience. If someone else is looking a place like that I can say that we are hiring frontend and backend developers in Madrid hehe.

Because of that process I also considered a bit my ‘personal brand’. I decided that the name from my old blog, ‘noessolocosadehombres’, wasn’t the best and I relaunched everything trying to write a bit more in this new project, ‘missbytes’. I hope that you like this new ‘brand’ more and even if I have had it a bit more abandoned this last period, at least I managed to write more than the previous year.

For 2016 I had resolved that I wanted to colaborate more to fix the lack of women in tech. So I organised with other girls the first Women Techmakers event in Madrid where we managed to get 135 attendees, a 70% of women and 14 women speakers talking us about technology at different levels.

WTM Madrid 2016

To provide more visibility to women in tech I also decided that I wanted to be an example by being the first one trying to talk at more tech talks. The result I think that is pretty nice: I have talked in 10 events (T3chfest, WTM Madrid, WTM Cáceres, WTM Logroño, WTM Porto, Spanish GDG Summit, Software Craftmanship Barcelona, Codemotion, Devfest Asturias, Mujeres@Innovación), in 7 of them I talked about something technical (Rails, TDD, hexagonal architecture, Kubernetes and testing good practices) and in the remaining 3 I talked about the need of more women as role models in tech, Women Techmakers and also about my experience working at startups.


Android Testing in depth at Codemotion with Selene Pinillos


At Devfest Asturias with Antonio De La Torre

Also throughout the year I have been helping to organise monthly meetings with GDG Madrid.

In may, as I already told, I repeated my experience at Google I/O. Nevertheless, this year I didn’t enjoy it as much as the previous year partially because personally I was feeling a bit despondent due to the bas situation at Cabify and partially because of how they decided to organise. But I could still enjoy a few things, like the party that Uber had and where I went with my friends from GDG Porto and GDG Lleida.


Uber’s party at San Francisco

2017 Resolutions:

For this new year I have 5 main resolutions:

  1. I want to continue with my work at Seedtag, to continue learning new things and work my technical and personal skills to improve my work and the work from the amazing team mates that I have found.
  2. I’d love to organise again WTM Madrid 2017 (already a work in progress) and promote that more people decide to have this event everywhere in Spain. I know that everywhere is too ambitious, but I will try that we manage to reach as many places as we can as I think that it is important that we provide that visibility to the women that talk about technology and prove that it is part of our daily work.
  3. I am going to try to help more women to start talking in public and try to improve the percentage of women speakers and attendees to events and conferences different from WTM. I will talk about some of those actions that I want to take in the future here.
  4. And of course I would love to keep being a speaker. So, if you are organising a conference or an event and you think that I have something to share there, don’t hesitate to contact me!
  5. Finally, I want to continue writing this blog. I am not going to set a frequency because I know that it is too difficult for me to keep it because I have some periods with more free time and some periods when I have a lot of work, aside projects, conferences or events. But I am going to to mix content from events, technologies that I try or that I work deeper on them, information or ideas regarding my work to improve the presence of women in tech and share gadgets or ‘toys’ that I found interesting.

I hope that you had enjoyed my summary from the year that just ended and everything that I hope to manage this new year that we are launching!

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