And, how can you help?

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Crisis, that damned work that is around us and chases us for some time now. The tax increase, the aid decrease, the politicians that look like they have forgotten their people and the ones that never thought about us, the evictions, the bailout, the unemployment… there are so many things, that watching the news is a difficult trial even for the most optimistic person in the world.

Amid all this maelstrom, it is difficult not to be swayed by despair and discouragement to see everything lost and want to flee, every man for himself! let’s go to other European country because in Germany or UK these things don’t happen!

En medio de toda esta vorágine es difícil no dejarse llevar por la desesperación y el desánimo de verlo todo perdido y querer huir, ¡sálvese quien pueda! ¡vayámonos a otra parte de Europa que en Alemania o Inglaterra estas cosas no pasan! I have to state that I don’t intend to criticise to the ones that make the decision to leave as I think that you need to be brave to make it, but it is sad to think that it is the only hope that we have to avoid sinking in this boat.

Bur every action has its reaction, and the people has reacted immediately. In Madrid and as I could read in twitter also in many other cities, a lot of people went to the streets to complain. But the protest marches and all that kind of actions I have to say that don’t match too much with my way of being because even if they prove the people discontent, most of the times don’t have room to pose solutions, and without them, we cannot fix anything.

But as Ghandi said: “Be the change that you want to see in the world”. That’s why since I read this post from Agustín Cuenca I had been thinking that I should also change my attitude and that I should look for a way to help. And thanks to Javier Ramírez, who promoted this idea, we decided to start this:

We want to donate our free time and our effort to try to help people that, maybe, after being introduced into the Ruby on Rails world (that we know that currently has enough demand), could find easier to get a job. That’s the personal initiative that Javi has shared with his work mates. And we are pleased to help with it. But there is no commercial interest behind it!

For now it looks like the idea is nice and I really hope that this can help, as being helpful can be as easy as to share the things that you already know to do. So, you should already be wondering, and me, how can I help?

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